


GCSE French

Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel

Why should I choose this subject

The Edexcel IGCSE in French is an excellent qualification for developing further the skills pupils have already learnt, helping them to produce impressive spoken and written French. It forms a very good stepping stone to A level. The IGCSE is highly respected by universities as a challenging benchmark qualification.

What does the subject consist of?

In French pupils will have to understand spoken and written French and speak and write as fluently as possible. The course is topic-based, divided into the following five themes:

  1. Home and abroad
  2. Education and employment
  3. Personal life and relationships
  4. The world around us
  5. Social activities, fitness and health

How is the subject assessed?

The final examination (taken at the end of the Fifth Form) consists of three papers:

  • Paper One (Listening - 35 minutes - 25% of overall marks)
  • Paper Two (Reading and Writing - 1 hour and 45 minutes - 50% of overall marks)
  • Paper Three (Speaking - 10 minutes - 25% of overall marks)

Whom does the subject suit?

French is a language which can open up many doors in the future: it is therefore particularly suited to pupils who see themselves as global citizens. Studying French will ensure pupils broaden their horizons beyond these islands. It is important to note, however, that French is a challenging subject and it may not suit everyone. To succeed in the subject, pupils will have to work hard and need to take responsibility for reviewing and practising their language skills outside lesson and prep time. Like playing a musical instrument, speaking a foreign language only improves through practice and performance.

What else should pupils consider before choosing this subject?

Pupils should consider if they can afford not to know another language well: the opportunity may not present itself again!