Sixth Form
The Sixth Form, we believe, allows pupils to flourish and grow with a healthy balance of focusing on academics, throwing themselves into sports and activities whilst also serving others and leading with integrity and purpose. We want pupils very much to take ownership of their programmes whilst also supporting and challenging them along the way. We recognise that these two years are integral to a pupil’s success and so will do all we can to encourage and instil confidence and self-belief in order for them to leave us truly ready for life beyond school.
Some key aspects of Sixth Form life and what we want pupils to focus on are:
- Being intentional with goals - we hope that pupils will be focused and take ownership of what they want to achieve so that they can make the most of every opportunity they are given
- Being organised - our belief that time management is a key component of Sixth Form success means that this is something we very much focus on
- Being leaders - we urge pupils to seek to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly and be role models. We hope that our Sixth Form will stand strong in their ideals and beliefs and that their actions will inspire and motivate others
- Being aspirational - we want our pupils to believe in themselves and then to aim high and go for it! We hope that we can help them to feel valued and appreciated so that they can see how they are fearfully and wonderfully made, and have so much to offer
- Being kind - we want our pupils to seek to be kind, in their thoughts, words and actions as everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about
Pupils in the Sixth Form will find that much of their time is spent in lessons. Outside of lessons, they will need to use their time wisely in order to complete prep (homework) as well as to read around their subjects. Furthermore, their time will be spent in activities, sport, helping juniors, being in the boarding or day house, and generally assisting and taking part in the full breadth of school life. Whilst the Sixth Form has time together throughout the week as well as social time, they are also expected to be a positive presence around school and to make the most of their responsibilities and privileges.
Unlike the rest of the school, a Sixth Former would expect to have each of their subjects each day, as well as at least one Study Hall for them to study in the library or elsewhere. Furthermore, they would expect to have either sport or activities during their day.
As well as this, Sixth Formers, depending on their level of responsibility, would expect to perhaps assist their houseparent in their house, or help with chapel duty, speak in Assembly, help with duty at meal times or generally be part of different committees. Sixth Formers have busy days and this is why a focus on time management is fundamental, to ensure that they achieve all that they want to and more during these two years.