


CTech Sport

Course overview

With a mix of examined units and non examined units CTEC sport provides all learners the opportunity to explore the anatomy of the human body and the physiology of exercise alongside developing their knowledge of sporting organisation and development.

The course teaches pupils the fundamentals of a successful coach and enhanses and develops their sports coaching and physical activity leadership. Pupils will explore the vital link between performance success and an athletes nutrition alongside gaining a detailed understanding of sport and exercise psychology.  With strong links to Biology A level for certain units, this course offers learners a very interesting and varied syllabus that is delivered through a mix of theory and practical lessons.


  • Body Systems and the Effects of Physical Activity -Examined
  • Sports Coaching and Activity Leadership 
  • Sports Organisation and Development -Examined
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology 
  • Nutrition and Diet for Sport and Exercise  
  • Physical activity for specific groups


  • Units 1 and 2 are assessed with an examination at the end of the course.
  • Units 3, 5 and 8 are assessed by putting together a portfolio of coursework evidence.

Exam Board


Entry Criteria

It is highly beneficial but not vital for those starting CTEC Sport to have taken GCSE PE or equivalent.

For American Program pupils: successful completion of Biology, Chemistry, Algebra I, Geometry, and two years of English.

Career Pathways

It will provide learners with the opportunity, through applied learning, to develop the core specialist knowledge, skills and understanding required in the sport and physical activity sector.  It provides a strong foundation for pupils to pursue a wide range of sport and physical education related university courses apprentices and careers.