


Weeks 40 down and 18 to go!

As the build reaches Week 40, below are a couple of updated illustrations, depicting the new building. With the holidays fast approaching, it is strange to think that by the time the pupils return for a new school year, only 8 or so weeks of the project will remain.

This week the backing surface for the cedar cladding has started to be installed and so another phase of the final design begins. Alongside this, stonework, panelling and roadworks continue. 



The majority of the floor screed in the hall is now laid, with just a small segment at the entrance doors to go. With the panelling nearly to ceiling level, the hall is really taking shape. 


The reception counter steel supports are in and the floor screed of the largest of the two sports stores is complete. 


From the Sheffield side the colours and textures shown in the illustrations at the top of the page are apparent. 


As the blog has moved on the main School website, the link required to find it is

Cat Thompson and Nanci Austin