The last week of Trinity Term at Kingham Hill is traditionally our Enrichment Week when pupils have the opportunity to participate in a diverse range of activities and trips. The purpose of the week is to offer them the chance to explore new pursuits, acquire new skills, and enjoy spending time together out of the classroom. Some activities are held on site, whilst others take pupils away to various parts of the country.
Highlights this year included:
- A Medieval themed week for our 1st and 2nd Form pupils where they journeyed back in time, engaging in various pursuits including lessons on armour through the ages, sword-fighting, archery, a medieval banquet, and a day out at Warwick Castle.
- Some of our 3rd Formers chose to go away on the CCF Summer Camp. Those who remained enjoyed a range of activities including a visit to The National Space Centre in Leicester, a residential trip to Eastbourne, an onsite science project day, and the opportunity to delve into the art of journalism, producing their very own newsletters.
- For 4th Form, for those who were not participating in the Silver DofE expedition in the Peak District, there was also the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors walking the Malvern Ridge and part of the Heart of England Way. They also took part in a “Survival on School Site” overnight event where they tried their hand at bushcraft, building fires and shelters, as well as enjoying archery and orienteering sessions.
- The school’s unofficial motto is ‘Work Hard, Play Hard, Serve Well’ and this was at the forefront of the activities for Lower Sixth as they made the most of the opportunity to “Serve Well” through volunteering to help with initiatives run by The Branch Charity in Chipping Norton. Their tasks included helping with the “Making Homes” project by cleaning, re-ordering and making an inventory of all the furniture that the charity has in its two stores, helping to weed and clear paths at a local primary school, and clearing 6 tonnes of rubble from The Branch community garden. Other activities for Lower Sixth included a leadership training day and, for those involved in DofE, the Gold Expedition canoeing in the Wye Valley.
All in all our pupils have had an extremely busy week taking part in activities which will help to boost their self-confidence and improve their leadership skills and team work. It has also been a huge amount of fun!