


Day Pupils

A friendly, family atmosphere

Day pupils make up around half the school and like our boarders also belong to Houses where they will register in the morning and hang out with friends during break. Pupils of different year groups belong to the Houses and it is this breadth of ages which gives each of our Houses a unique, friendly atmosphere, wherein everyone acts as a member of a large, extended family.

We have four Day Houses (Greenwich, Clyde, Woodstock and Havelock) each with facilities for pupils, primarily focused on providing leisure and storage options. Among the various amenities available, the Day House has designated social and games areas where pupils can hang out and play games during their free time. Additionally, the Day Houses also have lockers that pupils can use to store their books, bags, and sports equipment during the school day.

Furthermore, the Houses all have lockable cupboards where pupils can store their mobile phones during the school hours.

All Houses take part in a variety of Inter-House competitions throughout the School year including Sports Day, the ‘House Shout’, sports matches and more. The friendly rivalries these events engender bring a great deal of colour, fun and excitement, not only to these occasions, but to the school itself.

Day Pupils FAQs

Below are a few questions we are regularly asked by prospective parents. If you have any other questions, please get in touch and we'll be happy to answer them.

When do pupils go to their Houses?

During the day, pupils are allowed access to their Houses during break times, but they are not allowed to do so during lesson time.

Do pupils have showers in the Day Houses

Currently, there are only limited shower facilities in the Day Houses. In some circumstances, pupils are permitted to use the showers available in the sports centre.

Can pupils visit other Houses?

Pupils can visit other Houses, but only as guests of a pupil in that particular House. However, there are limitations to where they can go inside. Only certain areas of the House are accessible to visiting pupils, and visiting pupils must follow any rules or guidelines set by the House. It is important to note that pupils cannot simply visit other Houses without being invited by someone who lives there. As long as they are respectful guests and follow the rules, visiting other Houses can be a fun and enjoyable experience for pupils.

How late are the Houses open? How early?

Day Houses tend to be staffed from 08.15 (sometimes earlier) and pupils should not expect to be able to access the houses after 17.30. There is day prep after school, but Day Pupils leave for home straight after this.

Can Day pupils spend the night?

Boarding Houses have some spare beds available for Day pupils to stay overnight, and these can be booked either regularly or on an ad hoc basis through the pupil's own Houseparent. The allocation of beds is on a first come, first served basis, and the cost will vary depending on individual circumstances.

Where do Sixth Formers hang out?

During lunchtimes and in the evenings, Sixth Formers can socialise and relax in various locations such as their own Houses, the Sixth Form study areas, and the Sixth Form bar.